| Case Study
A precious harvest
So much wine, so little time!
The opportunity
Every year our wine industry deals with the recurring challenge – so many grapes to harvest and deliver in very tight timeframes.
The CEL team, along with their wide and loyal network of subcontractors move heaven and terroir to collect grapes from vineyards around the country and deliver them in optimal condition to key winemaking facilities - primarily Marlborough’s Riverlands wine precinct - New Zealand’s largest winemaking centre.
Coordinating transport infrastructure with multiple locations and complex pickup and drop-off schedules requires myriad systems and a team with proven experience and expertise.
Super subbies
Rather than purchase more carbon footprint infrastructure, CEL utilises existing transport resource by cultivating high quality, long term subcontractor relationships.
CEL has a well-earned reputation as the employer of choice for trucking subcontractors. By acknowledging and celebrating the central role of drivers in the supply and demand chain, CEL has build relationship protocols that lead to long term commitments and superior performance from subcontractors.
Better than industry standard rates of pay, impressive health and safety processes, food safety systems and any number of value-add support all contribute to superior performance for and by subcontractors.
Optimise subcontractor availability
Maximised in-harvest performance
Less trucks on the road
Reduced transport investment requirements
Improved partner resilience

Our Services
CEL is a strategic transport partner in New Zealand’s supply and demand chain.